
Can I convert regular dvds to hd?

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I'm new to this HDtv thing... Just recently hooked HD for the first time on my 55" Mitsubishi HD 1080i TV. Since I now have HD, is it possible to watch my regular dvds on high definition as well? or do I need to purchase one of those new blue ray dvd players? I currently own Sony DAV-FX500 XM-Ready Five-Disc DVD Dream System. Please help, provide link if possible.




  1. Sorry but I'm sure you'll have to buy a Blu-Ray player or PS3, your player probably will convert your DVDs to 480 not to 1080. I spoke with CSRs at Best Buy and Circuit City, hopefully this will help.

    Your DVD player will provide a much vivid picture, you'll be able to see more imperfections on  the actors but personally I'd wait for prices to lower on the Blu-Ray and Ps3.

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