
Can I counter a summon with a continuous trap card?

by Guest66619  |  earlier

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In Yu-Gi-Oh,

Can I chain to a summon a counter that will counter the summon?

For example, if my friend summons a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, can I flip and activate my Mask of Restrict to counter the summon, therefore having it return to his hand and returning the tributes back to the field? Or do I have to have it out before he attempts the actual Tribute Summon?




  1. That is a tricky question, but I believe that the Blue-Eyes will still remain on the field.  The reason being is that the Blue-Eyes has already been successfully tribute summoned and you activated Mask of Restrict after he was summoned.  The best way I can explain it is that your friend has to tribute 2 monsters to bring out Blue-Eyes.  He has to tribute the monsters first, then summon the Blue-Eyes which means all of this happens before Mask of Restrict is activated.  Therefore, the Blue-Eyes was successfully summoned and everything after that can't be because of the Mask.

  2. you cannot chain to a summon ... there are cards which say "activate only when a monster is normal/flip/special summoned ..." (eg. torrential tribute) but they dont actually chain to the summon ... the closest thing to chaining to a summon is forced back or solemn judgment ... you wouldnt be able to activate mask of restrict after you opponent has declared a sacrifice but if you activate before they say they are going to then they wouldnt be able to tribute them for blue eyes etc.

    hope this helps

  3. u can't... because mask does not say no summon, but say no tributing... which means u need to chain to the tributing(which is impossible)  a card might be chained to summoning in any case(MST, macro etc) the one card most used is by order of the empoer, which negates the ability of the summoned card.  but that is because the trap "targets" the summoned creature, not the condition of summoning/tributes.  mask, on the other hand, targets/stops something that is done or not on the field, if the summon is being done already, hence can't be used.(timing is missed)

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