
Can I cover up a healing tattoo on my wrist while I work?

by  |  earlier

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I got a small tattoo on my wrist, and I work in a nursing home, so that area is routinely exposed to bodily fluids, bacteria, etc, etc. When I wear gloves they don't totally cover the area either. Can I wrap my wrist with something while I am doing cares/cleaning/etc? I was thinking maybe saran wrap with a waterproof ace bandage over the top. Is this OK to do or will it mess up the healing process? It's been 5 days already, I got it while on vacation, and I start work again tomorrow.




  1. Saran wrap shouldn't mess up the healing process, just try not to put the sticky part of the bandage on the tattoo. You could also just get plastic gloves that extend a bit longer.

  2. I would suggest placing a bandage over it, wrapping that in saran wrap 1-2 times, then putting surgical tape over it. Actually, wrapping it up will shield it from sunlight and water, which will be good for a healing tattoo.  

  3. If you recover your healing tattoo, it will create moisture, which will make the scabs fall off prematurely (which leads to colour loss and can lead to scarring) in addition to creating a chance for bacteria to form and an infection to form Call your local tattoo shop and ask for their opinion (whether it be wearing gloves that reach higher on your arm, etc)

    Think twice about how you'll need to take care of your tattoo if you get another one in the future.

  4. Saran wrap should be ok. Just make sure it's completely selaed on all sides.

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