
Can I create a batch file to automatically rate a bad seller?

by  |  earlier

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I recently purchased an item that (for the sake of this question) is a renewable commodity for the seller in question. The item purchased is not as it was described. This seller has an undeservedly high rating and I would like to remedy this unjustness. Any help to revisit the website, repeatedly, while I sleep and bring this unfair businessman down to his real level would be appreciated.




  1. No, because such a batch file would be too easy to abuse.

  2. LOL that is funny.... Actually what you are describing is illegal, but done none the less. You need to understand Cross Scripting and the such. Most people do it for web hits to raise there listings across web crawlers or to get pay per click money.

    Check into that type of program to do what you would like it to do. Trojan back doors are good for botting machines to do just this. Other than that there is not .bat file to create. Batch files for Windows and are used for services and processes not web access, but I get your point.

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