
Can I do anything to help my 4 mo old with a sore throat?

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Poor little guy keeps getting colds from his big sis who adores him and kisses him CONSTANTLY (seriously, he gets pissed at her she kisses him so much!). Now he has a sore throat, he cries every time he coughs. Does anyone have any suggestion of what I can do to help him? Also if anyone has suggestions on how to convince my 4 yr old not to smother him with kisses when she has a runny nose, cuz I've tried to explain that she keeps making him sick (and miserable) but she doesn't listen and kisses him whenever I'm not looking. Endearing but frustrating, I almost think she wants to get him sick.




  1. Wow, that's tough, it's like having to punish your daughter for loving him! But that's what you'll have to do, and it sounds like she's doing it just to frustrate you. Get some medecine for your son and keep him away from your daughter!!! Can you give your daughter to like her granny or something? Until your son gets better?

  2. Just let him heal.  Kids get sick, babies don't remember it, anyways.  It's just a cold.

  3. Give him the recommend dose of Infant Tylenol. It will help with the pain of the sore throat. I have a 6 month old and a 2 yr old and just experienced the same thing. We just keep telling the 2 yr old about germs and that she need to cover her mouth when she coughs. She just cant help but kiss her baby brother. Just keep telling her about germs and one day it will sink in! In the mean time- Tylenol will help with the pain.

  4. Keep him OFF the drugs. He will grow to have a strong immune system. Cause and effect are often difficult to manage but this will be good for him in the long run. If physical temperature gets high do take him to a physician.

  5. When it comes to medicating a baby I really think you need to call the doctor .There are a lot a factors when it comes to medication ,you have to be very careful not to over medicate.So please don't take advice on yahoo.But when it comes to your daughter ,she just loves him to pieces .Just try to explain to her that when the baby gets sick the baby will  get very sore and she doesn't want the baby to feel bad.

  6. use some vapor rub on his chest and his feet (cover in socks) this will help with the coughing. The only thing you are suppost to give children under 2 now is tylenol pretty well. Just try and control the cough, since thats why his throat is sore

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