
Can I do damage to my sore heel if I keep running on it?

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i've been working out for about 2 months but only started running a week ago... this morning i've woken up and i've got a throbbing feeling in my left heel (right in the center underneath my foot). Can I keep on running or do I have to keep off it?

is there anything I can do for the pain (it's bearable just annoying) and how will it heal?




  1. I had the same problem last year after playing football in a pair of running shoes (not smart).  Give it a rest for a few days.  You can get a heel support and insulator at your local drug store that may help.  It sort of looks like a doughnut -- it has a "hole" in the middle, so it supports the outside of your heel.  For now, don't run on it and ice it when you can.  Once your heel starts feeling better you can run on it, but put that heel support in your running shoes.  Worked like a charm for me.

  2. well if your heal is hurting i would go to the doctor and see if it is plantar faciatis. If it is treat it slowly, after diagnosing whats wrong with it find out the best way to heal it. I would not however run on it, unless its just sore. Sore is different then injured.  

  3. Pain or discomfort is your bodies way of telling you that something is not working correctly and needs to heal.  

    If you can swim and have access to a pool then the answer is yes.

    Do your running in-the pool and you will heal quicker and improve you fitness at the same time, I used this when I pulled my right calf muscle in college. It is was fun and I could run several time s day without the pounding of the track or roads.  Bring a radio listen to and have a hard run in the pool with you teammates. Shot make it a Tempo Run Pizza Pool Party.

    Goggle search : Aquajoger or Deep water running

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