
Can I do gymnastics at 14?

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I am 14 and I have gone to gymnastics for 2 years and 9 months but had to stop at 13 because my mom got pregnant. Now after a year I am going to be put back in gymnastics, WOGA to be specific.

FYI: I know Nastia goes to WOGA but that is not why I want to go there. To tell you the truth a week ago I didn't know Nastia went there until NBC News said she did. And a few weeks ago I made a decision on joinging WOGA because my friend said she saw improvement after going to WOGA for a while.

I know the basics, I can cartwheel, walk and jump on the beam, I know the basics to the vault, and I know how to swing on the bars, and I know a few floor exercises like front and back sommer sault, like i said catwheel. I am working on the splits I have gotten lower. Do you think I can still learn gymnastics, I know it takes time and I have all the time I need. I am very flexible, heck I can fit into some really small places.

I am not looking to join the Olympics, that would be cool, but I'm not. I do hope to do competitions, and yes I am aware that I would be competing against younger girls and I will be in a class with younger girls. Actually WOGA has a beginner class for girls 10+ so I am ok with that.

So what do you think, can I still learn gymnastics?




  1. yes when i was in the class their was 3 year olds that were better than me. so yeah you can the miniumum is at least 3 or 4 im sure

  2. You can do anything you put your mind to.

  3. yes, you still can but you'll have to train a lot harder

  4. of course! good for you for choosing gymnsatics

  5. If  you have been doing gymnastics for 2 years and 9 months and all you can do is a cartwheel and sommer saults? I wouldn't recommend going back.

  6. Absolutely!!.Who knows you just might be the next person who wins the Gold in the next Olympics

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