
Can I do online College even though I didnt finisch High School

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I had too leave High Shool after 9th grad because my parents got a devorce, and my mom went back 2 Germany. German School only goes up 2 9th grade so I didnt have the chanse 2 finish, instead I did a 2month schooling so I can work in a Hospital for old people. So now I want two do online college, and go back too the States.




  1. Sounds like you have two 'targets' - one, attend college online, and two, go back the the US.

    On the first, if you are interested in attending a US college online, you will need an equivalent of a high school diploma - for this, I suggest you check out an online high school first, complete your courses, then pursue an online college.

    As to going back to the US, that is a completely separate matter - one question it brings out is this - if you are going back to the US, why do you need an online school?  Once you are in the US, you should be able to attend a school (high school first)...   it is possible that I am not understanding your point about going back to the US in the context of wanting to attend college online...  

    hope this helps

  2. You can get you HS diploma online and than get you a diploma but if you dont have/get a GED or HSdiploma you cant really do anything else.  If you are saying you have your CNA to work at nusing homes you will actually make good money in the mom does it.

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