
Can I do this safely with my medicine?

by  |  earlier

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I need to apply a cream to an area that I can't really get it to.

If I dissolved the cream into some water, then worked the water in there, would this be safe?




  1. Probably, but obviously diluting the medication.  Did you ask pharmacist, or Dr.  Such a important question should be asked of a professional.  Here at answers, though the majority of our members are responsible and helpful, I have noticed a question like this, may attract "irresponsible answers".

    If water gets it there , fine, but a professional is necessary to let you know if that reduces the effect of the meds, or completely negates the effect of the medication.  What happens to the chemicals in the meds if they are mixed with water?  Do they dissolve?  Become toxic?  This is a question for a professional, seemingly.

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