
Can I donate a kidney if I'm diabetic?

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My mother suffers from kidney failure, and I would like to donate a kidney, however, I am diabetic. I know the risks involved but I still want to do it, would it be possible to do the procedure?




  1. I don't think so, cuz by doing that your putting your own life at risk, If kidney disease runs in your family chances are you might develop it also. Your best bet would be to talk this over with your doctor and to find out if it is possible, if it is then good luck and I hope everything turns out for the best, what you want to do is the best gift anybody can give another person, the gift of life. Take care.

  2. I don't think doctors would allow you to put your life in jeopardy to help your mom. In fact, I'm sure your mom wouldn't want that either. I'm sure there is another way for your mom to get the help she needs.

    It is very touching that you want to help your mom even at your own risk. Good luck to both of you!

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