
Can I donate blood in Germany if I have a tattoo?

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I got a tattoo in 2000 and needless to say it has since healed and has never given me any problems. Is it possible for me to donate blood to a blood bank now?




  1. yes

  2. Yes u can donate blood.

    After u get a tattoo (or refresh it) u have to wait 6 to 12 Months - because the risk of HIV or Hepatitis.

    Hope it helps. And sorry for the bad english :)

  3. I GUESS! Long as it's not a Swastika!

  4. You can donate blood whenever you want. The German Red Cross has overall HIV screening, and they do it in a way that your identity is not reveiled. There's the option, however, to ask for an HIV test before donating, and you'll have to leave your phone number so they can call and inform you whether you're clear or not. They take privacy serious, as I experienced myself: They called me in to the "Gesundheitsamt" ("health office") just to tell me that I'm neg.

    Also, when you're hospitalized in Germany (which I hope will never happen), don't be afraid of blood transfusions. Due to the extensive screening that is done here, the risk is very low that you'll ever get HIV infected through a transfusion.

  5. Of course you can. Be prepared to answer (on a form) some questions, though, such as if you have lived in the UK for more than half a year, whether you have allergies, whether you have been pregnant in the last couple of months or if you have been imprisoned. Since they can hardly follow up on all of these questions, I kind of think they are really funny, but of course they all just point to the likelihood of the donor having a serious condition or being at risk of having one. Usually they also ask whether you got a tattoo/piercing anywhere recently, but you haven't, yours is quite old, after all. You might want to bring a dictionary to the donation site or ask them for a form in English.

    So, well, than: Have fun being pricked and prodded!

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