
Can I drink alcohol with my new medication, Nadolol?

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I was recently put on 80 mg of Nadolol/daily. I'm 5'4", weigh about 115 lbs. I used to drink (like everyone else) before I was put on this, but I haven't since, and I was wondering if anyone knows how much I can drink? It's kind of annoying sitting around watching all of your friends drink when all you want to do is have a fun time. Thanks :)

Oh, and my sister is on it as well, and she goes out to bars, etc. But she's on 20 mg.




  1. It is never a great idea to mix any medication with alcohol. You never know how it will affect you personally. However, if there is no warning against it you should be ok if you take things easy. You will probably get drunk faster and for longer.

  2. If it's not on the bottle, Yes you can.  Becareful sometimes you can get away with it and sometimes you can't.  Take the bottles advice and your past experiences.  80mg is alot for 115 punds.

  3. Are you using it for chest pain, high blood pressure or ADHD?  If you have high blood pressure then you should avoid alcohol because it will exacerbate the problem.

    From what I've read it states that you should avoid drinking alcohol because it could increase drowsiness and dizziness while you are taking nadolol.   To be honest, I've noticed a difference between the advice of doctors in the UK and the US.  Doctors in the US will usually say to refrain from drinking entirely when on any medication, whilst doctors in the UK say that you can drink responsibly when the result isn't anything major.  If you do drink, make sure to drink a small amount.  You may be drinking a beverage and think "wow, I feel the same as before" only to feel the effects some time after the drink.  It'll creep up on you and possibly knock you out!

  4. it usually says on the bottle if you can't drink alcohol with a medicine. if it doesn't say anything, i don't think you should worry.  

  5. Nadolol can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid drinking alcohol, which could increase drowsiness and dizziness while you are taking nadolol.

  6. no dont be an idiot and do that are you crazy you see what iy dose man go a heard if you want that

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