
Can I drink water from the condensted air conditioner?

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water that drains from the condinsation of the air conditioner




  1. No. Have you ever been to a place where a lil' sign says "DO NOT DRINK WATER FROM SINK"

    Well, this is about the same thing. The water probably isin't REAL water, it might be a liquid coming out of it. I'd say get it fixed.

  2. No, i would not think that was safe!

  3. The a/c can also condense dust, and the humid surface makes a place for bacteria to grow.  

    It might be good for plants.

  4. They may have soldered the coper joints with lead.

  5. Wouldn't recommend it.  There could be bacterial contamination there that you shouldn't come into contact with.

  6. Wow!  Are you serious?!  It might not taste that great.  I don't think it would be fatal.  Might not be very fresh!  You could try drinking tap water instead.

  7. Condensate water is usually not considered potable and drinkable because it often has high levels of bacteria and mold

  8. yeah i wouldnt

  9. i wouldn't since t's moisture pulled from unpure air

  10. ewwwwww no     who would want to

    answer mine;...

  11. good way to acquire Legionnaire's disease!!

  12. I would not just because the water is collected on the coil and may contain residue from the metal the coil is made of and could be harmful. Not only that the coil could be dirty or have algae on it. Better to just get a nice glass from the faucet or buy a bottle of water.

  13. eew-no. this is totally unsafe. you could get really sick. please dont do it! eeeww!

  14. hahaha!!!

    is it brown?

    i wouldn't drink it unless i had no other water to drink!

    i don't think that would be healthy

    at least boil it and put it through a brita filter before you drink it

    does it smell bad?

  15. Haha that is weird but sure I dont see why not!

  16. I think your noggin is Taxed IE the name lol.

    You can drink it, heck you can do whatever you want but drinking that water will no doubt give you the runs lol... Upset tummy, prolly mouth disease. Go ahead drink it.

    I double dog dare ya' lol Just kiddn

    It's nasty!!! Collect it and use it for the plants.

  17. NO!!  This water has sat awhile and has been temp altered, etc.  This means the bugs have a field day!  I won't go into detail of the organisms or what diseases you can contract, just don't drink it.

  18. spelled c o n d e n s a t i o n.  That could be very dangerous.  The condensation off condenser coils is the moisture in the air that is caught on extremely cold coils inside the house and consequently is drained into the sewer.  NO NO do not drink it.

  19. It is condensed humidity draining down into a very nasty slimy pan then out the drain. If boiled good. then condensed as in distillery it would be OK.

  20. You can get legionnaire's disease by drinking it.

  21. Ever wonder why plants never grow around the end of the condensate pipe?

    the water is acidic.

  22. only if your real thirsty!!!!!! OK

  23. I wouldn't reccomend it because the condensation comes from the cooling coils that are filled with a refrigerant such as R22. And that refrigerant leaks out over time and that's why you need to get a recharge every so often for your airconditioner. Now I'm not sure if the refrigerant is toxic, but I'd assume it was and that's why I wouldn't drink from that water. Also where the water collects, there's no telling what kind of pathogens may be growing on those coils because there is alway water condensing onto them. No I'd just say it's probably not safe.

    If you want your own distilled water though, I'd reccomend boiling water and causing the steam to condense on to something clean and draining that into a container. Also you could set up a plastic bag like a tent on the ground, and fashion a way for the dew in the morning to drain into a cup. Then you'd have nice clean water that way too. But either way it's going to take lot of time to even get a glass, so good luck.

    One other thing, you could try calling the manufacurer of you airconditioner's customer service line and ask them if it's safe. They'd probably say no, but you could ask them nonetheless.

  24. Yes.

    Should you?

    No. It's dirty water, really. In a life or death situation, yes you could survive off of it.

  25. You sure can. That water is pure water and it makes great ice.

  26. I wouldn't unless it was your only source of water and then i would boil it first,as the condensate has already ran off the coil that allthe air that is conditioned has passed thru includeing any and all dirt on the coil and what is floating around your house.

  27. I certainly would not.  There is a risk of getting Legionnaires Disease from it.

  28. i wouldnt reccomend it, think about it, thats moisture from the air, the air has all kinds of bacteria in it, consuming it is a bit of a dumb thing to be doing

  29. Why would you do that? Thats gross

  30. some of you people are missing the fact that the water falls to the DIRT FILLED bottom of the air conditioner before it comes out the drain hole.   i can't begin to imaging the diseases that are in that muck and mire that's been laying in the bottom for years and years.  very few people, if any. ever clean that out, so my answer is a definite NO.

  31. what??


    dont even try that

    you will get intoxicated

    that water is mixed with the Freon they put in the a/c

    you could die man

    dont do that

    your family and friends will miss you if u die..

    have a nice day and dont do that

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