
Can I drink with my retainers in?

by  |  earlier

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They are retainers to keep my teeth in line after braces. They are acrylic and metal (not the clear kind) and are removable. So I was wondering can I drink with them in? My pamphlet says nothing about drinking but it says I have to remove them for eating. It's probably a stupid question but my mom payed a lot for these...

Hurry please, I'm really thirsty, lol.





  1. My friend has retainers and she drinks with them in, and she&#039;s had them for a while (she had braces to). So I would say yes.

  2. yeah

  3. Depends on what you&#039;re going to drink, water is ok, juice is ok, but soda, and alcohol aren&#039;t. They will deteriorate the retainer(s.)

  4. Yes, you can drink. It will feel weird at first.

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