
Can I drive from Texas to Buenos Aires, Argentina? What difficulties will I encounter if I try this?

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I have an American Passport. I'm curious to know if I can just drive there.

Will I be on well-travelled roads the entire time?

Will I have trouble driving through central america and south america if i have an american passport?

Is it dangerous?

Anything interesting about the trip that I should be aware of?




  1. what the h**l? ppl will murder u on the roads if ur driving a good car and loot u ..DONT DO IT...ull be going to ur death...theres lots of gangs and **** operating in th borders and jungles along the way..DONT EVER DO IT! they would wanna make friends with an american dude..and his money and his stuff too

  2. There are no roads at all through the most remote areas in Panama (for about 200km, I think) and I'm sure the roads from there (esp. in northern S. America and across the Andes) are rough in many places. Make you've got a solid 4x4 that you know how to fix and lots of $$ for cross border fees (expensive if you've got a car). There are a bunch of good books on the subject - check out the library!

  3. no, if you go fast enough youll just glide through the ocean.

  4. Ther´s  a couple of Argentineans that just did that - drive from Buenos Aires to Washington, it came out in the Argentinean newspaper La Nación about 1 month ago. They said it was extremely difficult- but they did it, so if you really want to, you can too. I guess you can look up the article on the Internet, sorry I didn´t save it :-)

  5. You probably won't make it....  that 'highway' you see on a map is just a jungle trail in places... and if the snakes and jaguars don't get you, then the drug runners and kidnappers probably will.

    "dangerous" doesn't BEGIN to describe the trip. Of course, you speak Spanish fluently, right? because once you get past the border, you will need EVERY BIT of Spanish you know if you plan to make that trip.

    Then there is that little expensive bit of unpleasantly when you get your FM-3 and all the insurances, etc... it will cost you nearly $1000 JUST TO GET ACROSS THE BORDER... and another $1000 bond you will have to post at the border and which you can get back when you cross back over... AT THE SAME CROSSING YOU WENT OVER AT.

    Personally... I don't think you are being realistic... when I see postings like yours and people are worried about "safety"... then I think they should just stay home.

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