
Can I drive into an airport with u-haul?

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I need to pick up my friend at an airport while driving in a U-haul truck. Can I drive into airport and pick him up or do we need to meet elsewhere?




  1. They won't let you drive a truck that close to the terminals.   Try meeting him at the long term parking lots.

  2. OMG, Pedro, that's an awesome response!

    He's right, call the airport security office.  They will tell you the options you have.  You also need to watch for low overhangs at some airports.  It would suck having to pay U-Haul for a new box on their truck...

    It's possible the security office will allow you to drive to an inspection point where they can determine your truck poses no hazard to the airport and allow you to get fairly close.  Your friend can always take a cab for a few bucks and get off the airport grounds, meet you at a nearby restaurant or gas station.

  3. near most airports (Ie Lax, for example) there are cellphone parking lots

    where you wait for word from your party they they are ready to be picked up then just come by the terminal pick them up

    and offf you go

    (so you wont be in the airport long)

  4. yes. do it.

  5. call a bummer to break the law and have to tell them..."they said on yahoo Q&A is was ok to drive up to terminal"...

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