
Can I drive my 1996 Ford Ranger (2 wheel drive, 6 cylinders) on the beach/dunes?

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If I let my friends talk me into driving my '96 Ford Ranger out on the beach this weekend to camp, will I get stuck?

Its a 2 wheel drive (rear wheels), 6 cylinder pickup truck.

If you answer no, include any tips for driving out there.




  1. you can drive it anywhere but its probably not safe on sand

  2. Yes!!

  3. unless where u live has reeeaaalllly soft sand i would say no, but at first drive slow and see how it goes and speed up when u find out if it works. But I know on beaches like daytona people drive even small cars all the time, but thats also not in dunes and there going like 10 mph

  4. i wouldn't personally, depends how big the dunes are, if the sand is soft let your tires down, a bloke who i know takes his 4wd drive out on the dunes runs his at 10psi. so take a pump with you for when you go back on the road

    with the dune buggies we don't stop facing up hill, always stop facing down hill, if your facing up you will just bog. (been there done that) i am not sure on the size of dunes you drive on, but you don't need to drive slow we went with a friend and they averaged about 50mph no problem.  

  5. why your truck would get ruined from the salt that would eat the underbody and yes you could but if ya hit loose sand your done

  6. 1. make sure that it is legal first because many states do not allow this.

    2. you will not get stuck, I did this many times when I was younger and I used a small 2wd courier pickup and left many of the larger trucks behind due to their heavy weight....

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