
Can I drive on a salvage title?

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Hey Guys, I live in Ohio and I am looking a buying a motorcycle with a salvage title in Iowa. The bike is perfectly fine to ride but even if I have insurance on it can I legaly drive it back to have it re-titled or will I need to trailer it?




  1. Don't know about Iowa but i did in Utah. I went and passed safety on it..shoul'va had insurance but I didn't . Than you can go to the DMV ,show them your safety sheet ,registration/bill of sale ,and proof of insurance to get it registered.   The legal way to do it is to get temporary plates , insurance than you can go to pass safety , than go back to the DMV to have it registered...too much hussle.

    If you have insurance and the bill of sale you should be fine to drive it to pass safety than to re-title it.

    Good luck  

  2. You can't drive it until it is registered. Ask your motor vehicle department if it can be registered. They will probably have to inspect it because you are buying from another state.

  3. You can always ask the owner if you can keep the plates on it until you get home. I sold a motorcycle to a guy a few years ago and let him do that. I just didn't see how would end up hurting me to do since they were nearly expired anyway. I asked him to cut them in half and throw them away when he got home.

    I think in Wisconsin you can drive the motorcyle with just a signed title for a certain amount of time before you get it registered. I just let him use the plate so he didn't get pulled over and have to mess with it.

    Just remember that it can be very hard to resell a salvage bike, and your insurance company will only give you liability on it, not collision. I don't know if that is an issue, but if you borrow money for it, you bank will demand you have full coverage, and you insurance company might not sell you a policy.

    Good luck.

  4. You must have a temp tag (or a full plate) to drive it. A Salvage title simply means that the bike has been "totaled" (by an individual, or labeled as so by insurance), and is geared more towards buyer information (so they can't sell it as new) as opposed to being a legal thing.

    Therefore as long as it's deemed safe to ride, you shouldnt have a problem getting a tag for it.

    The major question is specific to Iowa. I live in Ohio as well, and I bought a salvage title bike from Michigan. I trailered it back to Ohio, and they simply came out and looked it over, and transferred the title, then gave me a plate.

    Iowa should be able to give you the a temp tag- a salvage title legally behaves just like any title. Alternatively, those selling it to you may agree to leave the tags on it so that you can drive it home. Iowa to Ohio is going to be a nice long (fun) ride!

    I know you already know this, but do beware- frequently it's a salvage title for a reason, and really give the bike a good look over, and an inspection if your not real familiar with bikes. If theres any frame damage, it can be extremely unsafe to ride, and that can't really be fixed. However, frequently bikes are salvaged when they are still fairly alright, mainly because of the cost of the plastics.

    Hope that helps- Good luck!

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