
Can I drive on an Australian Licence (VIC) in the United States.?

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Can I drive on an Australian Licence (VIC) in the United States.?




  1. Yes I do it when I visit every other year.  As long as it is current.

  2. Yes you can.

    Regarding driving on the right hand side of the road - it may be a good idea to drive an automatic.

  3. have you ever tried driving on the left hand side of the road. what about a left hand drive car?

  4. Yes you can drive in the Usa with your licence.As it is written in English.Same goes for Americians in Australia.We have an agreement with them.

    If the licence was in another language ,you may need an international licence to go with it.

    Go to this link it will tell you all about it

    I have driven all over the world with my licence and in rental cars,if my licence was no good,they would not rent me a car.

    Hope that helps

  5. You need to get an international drivers licence and your Vic licence needs to be up to date. Some states in America actually let you drive on just your Aussie licence but a bunch of them do NOT. California being one of them that you must have an international drivers licence.

    All you do is pay I think it's $40. May have gone up since last time I got one (as I live in America for 1- 2years then move back home to Australia for 1-2years). You just go t roads and traffic authority and fill in the form, pay your money, bring in a passport sized photo and they make up this international lic. It looks dodgey as it's like a cardboard passport.

    Oh bring your Aussie lic with you to America though, as if you get pulled over you need to show them both international and home lic. Also if you get pulled over for anything in America you have to go to court. But guess what? Nothing is put on your Aussie lic. Yeee Haaaa!!!!

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