
Can I drive people under the age of 16?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 years old and I just got my driver's license, so can i transport anyone under 18 or without a license, such as my younger brother or sister?




  1. I say that once you are at least 18 years of age, you can drive anyone you want.  If you are 16 or 17, then you can only drive your own family for the first six months.  

  2. for the first 6 months yes u can but like ur younger brother or sisters friends no u have to have it for 6 months before drving anyone not from ur family

  3. If your 18 years of age you have a regular license and can do what you want to.

  4. yes you can..

  5. siblings yes, others i believe you need to have your license for 6 months.

  6. sure<

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