
Can I dry damp jeans with an iron?

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My jeans were fresh on today but I went out in the rain and the bottom half of the jeans got soaked. I'm gonna need them in about 2 hours time so I hung them on a radiator but they are damp!

Can I run a hot iron over them to dry them out? Will that even work?




  1. You could try as sometimes i have done that when i have wanted something to go out in, but something as thick as jeans may take a little while longer to iron dry.

  2. That will help a little but it wont completely dry them....what I do when Im in a crunch for time or cant get to a dryer is:  hang them up and turn the fan on and let it blow on them on one side for about 30 minutes.  Then turn them around to the other side and let the fan blow on that side for another 30 minutes.  That should do the trick.

  3. You can, but, be patient, as it will take a "bit" of time-and they may not be perfectly dry.

  4. I have done that a few times. Just make sure your jeans are nice and flat so you don't iron wrinkles into them.

    Good luck!

  5. If you use a dry iron it will help a bit ,if you don't have a drier use the hair drier instead.

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