
Can I dunk my biscuit in your cup of tea?

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Can I dunk my biscuit in your cup of tea?




  1. Yes you can, infact you can dunk any thing you like in my tea. I actually like Mars bars or Milkyways  dunked in my tea, you should try it.

  2. Yes, but once you bite into it, then no more.  

  3. You can... But i have just a tea bag in there at the moment so knock your self out mate, you'll get better luck by just eating it.

  4. Never!!! My Tea! You leave now! -.-

  5. I would have to ask my wife. The old bag might not like the idea. It might make her come to a boil and start to whistle. I like to put marijuana in mine and make it a teapot.

  6. Ewwwww, no I hate dunking. Do it in your own cuppa

  7. i have no tea

  8. I'd rather you didn't in case it falls in.

  9. you should've asked this question 15mins ago , now i'm going to have to make another cuppa . oh and the answers no get your own tea !!

  10. depends on where that biscuits been

  11. yea.. you can dunk your biscuit into my cuppa tea...if ya kno wat i mean ;) jk =]

  12. No. buzz off.

  13. Sure, I could use a good

  14. Only if you put a bag over it ;)

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