
Can I eat after taking homeopathics?

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I'm taking 3 different types of homeopathics.. can I take them right after each other? Or do they have to be spaced out? (They're liquid form, if that matters.)

Also, can I eat right after taking them?





  1. ask a gp

  2. Homeopathic medicines have potencies and its use is normally recognised and understood according to the potencies.  30 C potencies are normally used in 3 to 4 hours gap and 200C potencies at 6 hours gap.  lower potencies are used at 3 hours gap and higher potencies are used from 1 week to 1 month interval.  It depends upon the depth of the ailment and the assessment of the doctor whether these parameters are changed. In acute cases there are instances where the split doses are given even in ten minutes interval.  It normally serves the purpose of patient or physicians satisfaction as the principles and methods of fine tuning to conventional medicinal methods still overwhelmingly direct and control their decisions to do so.   Any medicine used at close heels in repetition to my mind has only redundant value.  

         As far as medicines before the food goes, all medicines given before the food are aimed or focused at the right functioning of the Liver which is fundamental to all other functions.   Medicines can be taken before food or after food, but keeping them close to the food risk a chance of their getting antidoted or losing its powers as a potentised medicine.  A potentised medicine is pure energy and if it is touched with the hand or if it comes into contact with stronger energies like magnetic fields, strong flavours and aromas can neutralise or deplete their power to heal.  As the human acumen is not so sharp to aunderstand what exactly happens when they come to contact with multivarious energies in the food, it is better to keep them a bit away from the food intake.  Therefore the precaution.  half an hour  would be sufficient.  If taken just before the food, the chances are equal that it works as well as it do not work.   So there is no need for a panic that it was taken just before the food or just after the food.    

            You should not be taking one medicine right after the other unless the physician had prescribed so.   It is not going to harm either if you take it one just after the other.  But follow the directions of the physician.  Normally a gap of 3 hours is maintained between every medicine.

            In liquid form it is normally used as three to five drops in an ounce or so water.   It is equivalent to take one or two globules with medicines on it to achieve cure.   With five drops of medicines, you can always make upto 50 globules.   Touching the potentised energy on the tongue is all that is required for medicines to effect.  The energy levels in the body does the rest.  

           I hope this helps.  with best wishes.  

  3. I have 2 suggestions for you.

    1. Take it after meals - this will reduce any side-effect like headaches.

    2. I go to an Ayurveda Massage Centre regularly in Seremban. You get a one hour massage and herbs for intake and external application together with the massage for forty ringgit. Previously,I have spent thousands of ringgit going to medical practitioners for my knee problem and skin problem. Thank God for these Ayurveda Massage centre in Lot M1 Lucky Plaza, Seremban. They even attend women finding hard to conceive and even stroke patients have recovered.

  4. most people think that they are simply placebos so i guess it don't really matter if your head thinks it's going to help you.

    I would see a proper doctor and get meds from the pharmacy that have been through strict medical tests.

  5. it depends on what the solution is, the "treatment" chemical is so diluted in the solution that it more than likely ISN'T EVEN IN THE SOLUTION. for example caffeine(used to help people sleep in homeopathy), there is only a lottery small chance that a single caffeine molecule will be in the solution. there is nothing in biochemistry which even remotely suggests that the body can react to imaginary substances(it reacts to chemicals, not "vibrations"). so all in all, so long as the solution which chemical is being diluted in is not toxic you can take the entire bottle now and not suffer ill effects.

  6. It's best to space them out and try not to eat 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after taking the remedies.  Also try and avoid caffeine and mint around the time that you take them.

  7. I hear many different views on this- some say 15, 20, or 30 minutes. I usually wait about 30 minutes before eating or taking another remedy- you will usually be told to dissolve pellets or place drops under the tongue as this will we absorbed most directly to the bloodstream (sublingual). Other substances, especially strong flavors interfere with this process. Depending on the homeopath and the remedies you are using you may be advised to avoid strong odors and flavors such as certain toothpastes, mouthwash, aromatherapy oils, and coffee for the entire duration of treatment.

  8. The Homeopathic medicines should be taken at right time at a reasonable time gap/ must be spaced out.   These should not be taken right after each other if these are different medicines. Nothing should be eaten for about half an hour after taking the medicines. However the Dr/or the person who prescribed the mediations for you is in better position to explain it to you.

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