
Can I eat an endangered animal if...?

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I know its illegal to kill endangered animals but what if you find one dead and he is warm as if he had just died can i eat it?




  1. Of course as long as you cook it and you didn't kill it with your car.

    If you don't eat it something else will:-)

    Possession is illegal but if you cook it and consume it it's yours.  Five minutes on the George Forman Grill and it's a meal.

  2. why would you ever want to eat an animal that is endagered just leave it in peace please

  3. Not a good idea.  It probably died of lead poisoning (California condor).  You wouldn't want to eat tainted meat, would you?

  4. Your best bet is to make it a practice not to eat animals that are unsure of their death and eat only animals that are not carnivorous. Also animals like this should be reported if they are an endangered species.


  5. If you care caught inposession of an endangered animal whether it is dead or alive you will be fined and perhaps even jailed.

  6. probably not good.  Most likely died of drinking tainted water... there really isn't anything that is endangered that is that much of a delicacy that would be worth getting poisoned over. lol  Not that is know of at least.

  7. You'll need to figure out why it died, road kill is usually good. I steer clear of carnivores, They are a bit strong for my system.

    Good 'free range', 'organic' food, enjoy.

  8. y would u want 2 eat an endangered animal?! even more so, y would u eat one u found dead and u didnt know how it died?!!!!!!????r u CRAZY?!? wat was it, anywayz?

  9. Ya,  I dont mind, waste not want not. What kinda recipe you got in mind?

  10. Simple posession of an endangered species or any part of one is a federal crime.

  11. I don't know if I would eat any animal I just found dead. Maybe its warm from all the bacteria decomposition or because it was sitting in the sun...

    yuck, pass on the roadkill

  12. What did it die of?  No one in their right mind would eat something they found dead that may be contaminated with poisons or by disease.

    That said, probably not.  This animal would provide nourishment for animals in the wild, and agencies officials may want the animal for a necropsy to establish cause of death.

  13. Not only are you in-danger of getting arrested, I think it is important to report the dead animal to the wildlife authorities.  There could be environmental factors that caused the death and I know they would be interested in ensuring it doesn't continue to kill any other animals-endangered or not.

    Interesting question-where do you live that you may happen upon a dead endangered animal?

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