
Can I eat ground turkey that's been frozen for 6months?

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I have frozen ground turkey that I've had for about 6 months. Is it still good? It does have some ice crystals on the meat, will it be ok to eat?




  1. It might be a little freezer burnt but you can still eat it as long as you cook it all the way through..

  2. It will be fine as long as it's been cold the whole time.

  3. let it thaw then see how it looks/smells

    might be ok to eat

  4. Frozen is the key word,so it wouldn't be spoiled.

    Some freezer burn?That might only effect the taste a little,seasonings should fix that right up. :)

  5. Yes you can.  However, if you have ice crystals then you may have some freezer burn.  If it looks dry with some white discoloration where the ice is then you can slice that part off and use the meat in a dish with lots of seasoning.  Freezer burned meat tends to taste like your freezer.

  6. should be OK . use lots a spices to improve the flavour.

  7. yes, I just recently ate some thanksgiving day turkey sandwiches that have been frozen since Novemeber

  8. If it smells funny when you thaw it or cook it them I would not try it. But since it has been frozen I don't see why it would be old.

  9. i'd say no.

    i wouldn't eat it. it sounds like its got freezer burn.

    it wont taste the same, and it will be dry and tough.

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