
Can I email to Honduras with Yahoo?

by  |  earlier

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does Yahoo USA e-mail anybody in Honduras?




  1. I'm sorry to answer this, but YOU ARE ACTUALLY KIDDING ME RIGHT!!!!????? Please tell me that you are joking with that question!!!! OK, what makes you think that a USA e-mail wouldn't reach HONDURAS!!! The only way an email wouldn't reach here is if the other person didn't have an email at all!!! Hun you need a reality check, we have technology here too. Not only you guys know what a computer is. By the way, I have email accounts in AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail. (All the "USA" ones) and I live very very PROUDLY in Honduras!!!

  2. When you send email, you are sending the content to an internet server (based on the routing information of the address). So, if your friend in Honduras has an email address and internet access, then any email service you use will send to it.

    Yahoo's USA sites have content customized to appeal to persons in the USA. (For example, all the text is in English.)  But this doesn't limit the power of the mail application to send to any valid internet address.

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