
Can I end a friendship because I disagree with her behaviour?

by  |  earlier

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I've known my friend for ten years, but recently her behaviour has really made me not want to know her anymore. She had been unhappy with her partner for a while, which was fair enough, but she then accepted another guys number one night and started contact with him.(something that I thought was out of order, even if a separation was on the cards, but I held my tongue).

She then moved out of their flat but continued to see her partner, something she kept lying to everyone about.She seemed to think it was acceptable to see the two at once, since apparently she wasnt having s*x with either of them. Anyway, she went on holiday with her partner but the other guy found out about it, but she lied yet again and told him that they had split but the hol was already booked and she had to go, which was all lies. She has now binned her original partner and has basically swapped him for the other guy, who I actually feel really sorry for.

What do I do? I dont think I can be around them socially knowing the situation!




  1. it also depends on the shape of ur head

  2. well, first talk to her about it and tell her how you feel. what ever you do DONT tell the guys. tht wuld just be bitchy. maybe if you talk to her she'll explain to you her point of view and if you still dnt agree slowly stop talking to her until you just stop all together

  3. If you don't wanna be around it don't, if she wants to be crazy let her, don't let her bring you into it I am like the person who get sick of hearing of everybodies problems but I am there I give them advise and if they wanna take it great, and if they cant make up their mind then leave them alone with their problem they are going to have to deal with it themselves. but see how they are doing every now and then.

    But really first of all ask your girl what the h**l she has been up to and why, what the f is up? why you doing that shizz? and listen but don't be mean right then and there. if you really dont wanna talk to her anymore igonre her calls and texts. unless she says she is sorry and like lest be homegirls again and not need men.

  4. A ten year freindship is nothing to throw away. She is obviously very confused about who she wants to be with. Her relationship with her original mate may have been going the wrong way for a while Some people need to feel attractive, especially as they get older. be a good friend, try to talk to her about. Ask her why she is doing this. Ask her if she needs to talk. There may be more here than you know. Suggest she go to counseling. Don't dump her friendship because she is confused. Good friends stand by each other no matter what. Good luck.  

  5. Back off from the friendship, if she calls just tell her you are busy. That way when she comes to her senses you have not done anything to regret and if you still what to be friends you can start to do a few things together.

  6. Well, you can end a friendship for any reason you want.  The very nature of "friendship" is that both people like each other and enjoy being together.  But it sounds like she's going through some tough times.  You could try not judging her, since you don't know what either guy is like behind closed doors, and she's probably really confused herself.

  7. sure

  8. see the good in yourself and in her.

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