
Can I enter the U.S. NAVY as a comissioned officer with a BA in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science?

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Can I enter the U.S. NAVY as a comissioned officer with a BA in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science?




  1. You have to either do ROTC in college or after enlisting, sign up for officer training.

  2. You need one year of college physics and one year of calculus. Also, prior ROTC training is a plus. Also the military aptitude test will help you determine what branch is best for you. I would suggest going and talking to a recruiter before you do anything, because you can't just go in without knowing what's expected of you first.

    However, you can enlist and sign up for OCS after you complete bootcamp training. You also join the Naval Reserves and do the OCS and officer training all at the same time.

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