
Can I expect breastfeeding to go just as easily with my 2nd baby?

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My first son had no problem getting the hang of breastfeeding (he got his daddy's nice plump lips) It took me a few days to get the hang of it and another few weeks for my b*****s to toughen up and not hurt while my son breastfed. He stopped at 20 months old when I was about 3 months pregnant. My next baby is due in October so it will be about 6 months since I breastfed my first son so I'm wondering if my b*****s should still be toughened up enough from breastfeeding my son still or will they be sore for a few weeks again. Should I find it easier this time to get the hang of it all again? What can I expect?




  1. I had no problem with either of my boys. Yes it is true that each child is different. With my first my milked dried up when he was ten months! And my second at six months! I think you will do fine. Congrats on the baby!

  2. NO- It could be a completely different experience, at least mine was.  My first daughter was an absolute natural.  My second, had a really tough time latching on properly and caused me quite a bit of pain as a result.  She eventually got the hang of it but those first few weeks were rough especially since I didn't expect to have a problem since the first time was so easy.

  3. It was much easier the second time around for me.  Not only was I better educated, but I was more relaxed.

    Breastfeeding my first wasn't bad by any means... but with my second- it was a breeze!

    Unless there are any issues like tongue-tie or (God forbid) a cleft palate, it should be easier.  Baby might not take to it as easily, but you'll know a little more & be more prepared (if it's ever possible to be prepared when it comes to anything baby).  I'm sure you'll both do just fine :)

  4. i won't say it will be jsut as easy because every baby is different and it may take some time for your baby to get the hang of latching. BUT since you've breastfed before you will know more about it and know how to latch a baby on better. Breastfeeding really shouldn't be that painful and if it is your baby is probably latched on wrong. Your baby before was probably latched slightly wrong until they got the hang of it more and their litlte mought got bigger, that's probably why it hurt for a few weeks. But i'm sure you won't have too many problems

  5. Expect nothing.  Seriously, I had two children and nursed both, but each was a completely unique experience.

    With my first I had sore cracked nipples like crazy, my nipples may have been a bit tougher by the time my second rolled around, but the experience in itself was completely different and I had different challenges.

    Good luck!

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