
Can I feed my 9 week old GSD cooked liver?

by  |  earlier

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We got him last weekend aged 8 wks and he had a severe case of worms so I want to give him lots of healthy meals to help build him up a little bit.

Would it be OK to give him a small ammount of cooked liver? Its just as a treat and it wont replace his dry diet. Please help




  1. I have been using cooked liver for my two puppies for a month now and they love it. I have the cooked liver in a bowl in the refregrator and when I feed the puppies in the morning I mix in three spoonfuls and add a little warm water and make a mix. They really love this mix and they are growing leaps and bounds . I read in a veterneriann handout that liver was high in iron and a great addition to put in dogs dry food. It has worked like a charm for me.I found that if you put it in a blender that it helps the liver make a better stew for Bob and Tom. I give them 1 oz each with each meal. I was told to start with one oz and work up as they get bigger. You should see how much they have grown in one month.  It also has helped their winter coats which have started growing . Try the blended liver and see what your 9 week old thinks.

  2. I would use it only as a trainging treat.  Liver is very high in fat and it will cause the runs if you give the pup too much of it.

    In very small amounts it's fine.

  3. Yes-just as you say-small amounts-cooked and not often and not replacing his recommended puppy diet.No problem.

    Just one thing-if he's sick because he finds it too rich-you know he's not ready for it quite yet.

  4. yes thats fine dogs love liver.

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