
Can I feed my budgie wid canary food?

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If not what can do with the food?




  1. Possibly, as a treat, it wouldn't hurt.  But as a TREAT.  not as it's main source of food.  Aside from that, canaries are finches, really, so you're wild finches would LOVE that food.  Put it in your feeder outside, if you have one, or toss it where some birds can get to it.  If you live in the US, there shouldn't be too much problem getting a House Finch to find that food, heh.

  2. Well.......i guess it wont hurt, but also it's not specifically for a budgie so it probably wont perfectly suit its dietry needs. But also scince a canary is  a tiny bit smaller than a budgie the food would be the right size for it.

  3. No! It is for WILD birds. Get normal food for your budgie from petco/petsmart/or other local pet store. that food is not made for domesticated birds. get a bird feeder for your yard and put it in there or just throw it away!

  4. Yes you can, but it wont do that good of a nutrition for it for it is canary seed and good for canarys.

    Budgie seed has its very own nutrients in it for budgies so i suggest you go to your local pet shop and get some budgie seed!

    Goodluck in keeping your beautiful, healthy budgies.

  5. you can it wont hurt it,but it wont eat it if it doesnt like it,so give it a try

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