
Can I feed my cats fish heads?

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I'm cooking whole trout for dinner and am wondering if I can give the heads to my cats (they are about 6 months old)? I would cut them off before they are cooked so they will be raw. What about the rest of the remains once cooked? Thanks




  1. I assume you could, but only as a treat.  They need taurine and fish heads wouldn't have that and a cat's diet should never be all fish anyway. Raw bones should be fine, cats can generally eat those and they help their teeth.  It's cooked bones that are dangerous for them, never let them have cooked bones.

    I'd read up a bit more about it though, just to be sure.  

    Raw meat is much healthier for them than cooked meat.  Lots of the nutrients they need are destroyed by cooking. Either way I wouldn't give them a whole lot. Any serious change in their diet can result in diarrhea, so just give them enough to be a snack.

    edit: it's probably best to follow what Pretty Kitty says, I just know a bit about raw food in general, not fish.  But definitely try some non-yahoo!answers research before feeding anything like that.

  2. The fish heads are quite bony and fish spoils quickly. I really wouldn't feed it to them. Depending on how you cook the fish, the remains can or cannot be served safely to your cats. If you are frying, the grease is very bad for them because greasy foods can wreak havoc on the stomach, kidneys and pancreas during digestion. Seasoning such as garlic and onions commonly found in fish breading attack the cat's red blood cells leaving them susceptible to a certain potentially fatal anemia if regularly ingested. I would stick to cat food and maybe reserve some of the deboned flesh to be grilled or broiled without seasoning or oil as a treat.

  3. Generally no any sea food has a lot of salt for a young cat/any cat  to handle.  

  4. hi i wouldnt give a kitten of 6months old raw fish head , id wait till it was 18mths old +

  5. When we have fish we always cut the heads off and both my cats eat them, i don't see why not, think about the stuff animals eat while outside, they are cats at the end of the day, ultimately it is up to you but i always have

    Bring on the thumbs down for that answer

  6. No. Only feed high quality commercial cat food. They need supplements other animals don'

  7. NO<NO<NO>NO.they will have very fine bones in them and uncooked they will be brittle.

    Cook the whole fish.& remove it from the skeleton Just giving them the flesh,

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