
Can I feed my goldfish frozen brine shrimp?

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I have 2 goldfish in a Biorb aquarium. Is it ok to feed them frozen brine shrimp? Fancy a change from fish flakes!




  1. They will love you for it.

  2. Yes but dont feed them too much or they wont eat there normal food flakes or food that u normally feed them the brine shrimpo is just a treat feed it to them 3 times a week and they will love you

  3. yep, brineshrimp are a yummy treat for goldies, but only occasionally - 1-2 times a week. you can also give them pieces of cucumber, oranges, grated carrots, and peas (although peas tend to um, go right through them). goldfish are scavengers so they'll pretty much eat anything!

  4. Yes definitely, mine love it! Put a cube in a jug, add some of the water from their tank and leave for 10 mins to defrost, then just pour in. Only do 1 cube at a time mind, thats plenty for 2 goldies. They will love you for it, honest, mine go crazy for brine shrimp!

  5. No.  Brine has very little neutritional value and should not be a main supplement for any fish.  Goldies need a high protein low fat diet.  Brine will not deliver that.  Keep the flakes add brine once in a while.  Try feeding fresh veggies like lettuce, spinach, cukes, zucchini peas beans squash watermellon and oranges.  Limit the brine.  Add worms if need be along with chicken and beef.

  6. maybe if you grate it or somethng.

    fish have no teeth, remember.

    and im sure they dont mind just hving fishflakes.

  7. they love brine shrimp

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  8. To the person who said "fish don't have teeth" -  you obviously don't know a thing about fish, all fish have teeth! even if they're just tiny small things.

    But to answer your question...

    Yes you can feed your goldfish brine shrimp, but make sure that you get it from a trusted source such as a family pet shop or specialist breeder as "live" foods are known to sometimes carry parasites and cause fish to become sick! Also keep in mind that brine shrimp should be fed only occasionally as a "treat" as if you feed to much of it to your fish it could end up with digestive problems or worse!

    Also, don't serve the frozen brine shrimp frozen! As your fish won't be able to chew (with it's teeth which DO exist) through it so leave it to thaw in its container for around half an hour before freezing, and turn your filter off while feeding just encase it decides to suck up your food and clog up on you!

    Good luck =]

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