
Can I feed my parakeet cucumbers?

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I just bought 2 parakeets and I was wondering what I could feed them. Can I feed them cucumbers? What else can I feed them? All I have been feeding them so far is bird seed. Thanks




  1. I don't see why not...anything that is healthy for us is good for them. But never let them eat chocolate over time it's really bad for them, along with salty foods. I attached a list of other things that are harmful to a parrot as well. Good Luck!

  2. Bird pellets are much better for the birds then bird seed.

    Unfortunately, once birds get a taste of bird seed it can be difficult to get them to accept pellets.  With little birds especially, if you change out their food you need to watch them, to see if they eat. (A good indicator of eating is they

    are still pooping as much as they used to. Change the paper daily to see what they did that day.)  Little birds can starve VERY quickly if they decide not to eat so they kind of have you if they decide not to take the pellets.  You can't let the poor things die.

    We've had *some* success moving seed started birds to pellets by using Nutriberries as an in between step.  These are little balls of seeds and pellets rolled up together in a sticky edible "glue".  Sometimes, a bird who refuses pellets will try to eat the seeds off the Nutriberries, end up eating some pellets too, and decide it likes them after all.

    Some birds don't though.  Our otherwise healthy little budgie (the baby of the flock) was willing to go to Nutriberries but never pellets.  Shes still getting better nutrition from the Nutriberries though then she would from a straight seed diet.

    Contrary to what the poster above says, do NOT offer your bird "whatever you want."  Chocolate for instance is poison to MANY animals, including birds.  Avacodo is also potentially deadly for birds.  There is some serious research that suggests that the oxcalic acid in onion causes anemia in birds.  

    Ask your vet for feeding recommendations and don'ts.  he or she will have the latest information  The first thing ANY new bird (or other pet animal) should have is a well-birdie visit to the vet.  Because pets live in close proximity to other animals in the pet store or breeders its very common for them to have minor illnesses when they first come home.  That minor illness, as  little as the sniffles, can turn deadly if not treated.

    For the same reason, if you bring ANOTHER bird into the house, quarantine them.  (Keep them in separate rooms.  Wash your hands after handling the new bird before handling the old bird.)  Your vet again can tell you for how long.

  3. You can offer them anything you want to, and if they eat it thats great!  

  4. There are many different approved foods that you can feed the little cuties. Cucumbers are a definite yes! You can feed them tortillas, apples, bananas, carrots, peaches, nectarines, grapes, unsalted sunflower seeds, unsalted peanuts, watermelon, cantaloupe, raw broccoli, unsalted crackers, lettuce and many other fruits/veggies will do just fine. Things not to feed them are coffee, cheese, all types of meat, chocolate, avocado, candy, alcoholic beverages, and any type of salted or fast food.

    Good luck, hope this helps!

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