
Can I file a complaint against a realtor that is selling a home for citimortgage?

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That realtor has had my realtor and myself negotiating for about 4 mos over a house. I made a higher offer that what it was selling for. When i had it appraised,which cost me 350.00, it only appraised for 66000. The realtor would not accept the amended contract unless we agreed on using one of his friends as an appraiser. This whole time they had agreed to pay closing costs and let me fix a couple of issues that my bank asked to fix prior to giving me the loan. Once his friend appraised the house (which i had to pay for again, 320.00) the house magically appraised for 75000, which I was fine with but know he is saying that they are not paying closing costs and I can't do the fixer uppers since it's a liability for them. He made me waist money and time. I'm a single mother that has saved for over a year to get us a house that was our dream home...anyways i couldn't afford it and terminated the contract to get my earnest money. Any advice will help.




  1. They cannot do that, it cannot be a friend or close person in the deal, must be third party, sue them.

  2. File a complaint against him with the local realty organization.  The should have an ethics boards.  See if your realtor will testify against the other one (although he/she may not want to get involved).

  3. Very carefully and completely write down everything about your dealings with the realtor.  Be as exact as possible on dates and times.  Then you can either call the local board of realtors and ask them how to file a complaint (then go file this), or you can demand at least that the realtor give you back the money for the appraisals or you will file this with the board.  Realtors hate these complaints on their records and maybe he'll pay you the $670 rather than have this filed.  

    Still, if the contract doesn't say he was to pay you for closing costs, then you may not have a great case (he could just lie and tell the board you are a disgruntled buyer and making this up) so maybe he won't care so much about the complaint.  Anyhow, this is what I'd do - try to get your money back first, and file the complaint if he won't give it to you.

  4. I would raise HOLY H E (double hockey sticks)

    take off the gloves and get dirty.  

    this market is to soft for someone to pull this junk!

    contact the board or realtors!  I have in the past for different reasons... and they don't mess around.  since you paid for the appraisal you have the right to a copy of both... find out what is different...

    GO FOR BLOOD!!!! and your money... (the money because it was yours... and the rest for 4 months of your life!)

    Ok... so that is extreme...   but give it to them the way they gave it to you!

  5. The bad apples need to be weeded-out.  If you have a complaint , make it. Perhaps it will stop the next person from going thru the same misery you did.

    Is there more to the story that you didn't tell.

  6. The short answer is; yes, you can always file a complaint.  However, your information is too limited to expound upon this further.  Did the seller accept your offer for above asking price?  Was the first appraisal for your own use, or your lender's?  In 20 years in real estate, I've never heard of a bank-owner agreeing  to allow a purchaser to make repairs prior to closing, so something's doesn't seem right there.  This requires more information in order to provide a complete response.

    Even with the additional data, something still sounds strange.  First of all, any appraiser should be a disinterested third party.  So no "friends" should be involved.  Secondly, when you canceled the first contract, you released the seller from their contractual obligations, so, unless they agreed to one of the second offers, there's no reason to believe that they have an obligation to allow you to make repairs.  

    At any rate, as I said above, you can always file a complaint.  I imagine that once the state has all the details, they'll be able to sort it out.

  7. what is this a playhouse? $75,000??????

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