
Can I file a complaint?

by  |  earlier

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As a young cyclist, I have noticed that many people are down right rude to me, including beeping their horns at me for no reason, giving me rude hand gestures through windows, and once, stopping me on the sidewalk (I'll explain in a minute) to be rude.

Sidewalk situation: there is a busy highway on the edge on my city, and it's kind of an unwritten acceptance that cyclists are allowed to be on the sidewalk as this stretch is very dangerous. i was cycling down this stretch, which is about only 100 metres, when I approched a woman from behind, I slowed down, got on the grass, after saying excuse me as not to startle her, when she told me very rudely in a demeaning tone "In case you didn't notice, there's a road for that."

I am getting sick and tired of people and their road rage and rudeness towards cyclists, but am curious if i can file a complaint given the circumstances.




  1. People will always be rude, be nice to them and it defeats their attitude.~

  2. No your best course would be to find another route and obey the laws. Who would you file a complaint with and against who?

  3. you cannot file a complaint because there are no damages to you.

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