
Can I file a lawsuit against Apple because I tunes will not allow me to put songs on my other MP3 players?

by  |  earlier

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Does this lawsuit have any merit. Ok, I have bought music off of Itunes, I do not believe in stealing songs. Well i want to put a few of my songs from Itunes onto a non Ipod MP3 player. Which I should be allowed to do because they are now my songs and I can do whatever I want with them. Well they wont go into the other MP3 player because they are protected and locked so that they will only play on Itunes or a Ipod.

So can I file a lawsuit against Apple for not allowing me to listen to music on my MP3 player of choice?




  1. yeah i know its lame. you should have read before you bought them...

    your options are...

    1. play it on your computer

    2. or buy a ipod to play it.

    once you bought music off itunes you can only play them on itunes

    or on ur ipod.

    like i have a Zune. and i love my zune <3 and i can not buy music off itunes and put it into my zune becuase there not the same company.

    each company has its own "code" so the computer has it locked.

    like if i buy music from Microsoft (zune's place to get music) and try to put it into my i-pod it wouldn't do that.

    get it?

  2. If you own a cd or have already paid for the song you can download it elsewhere.

    For example, I own a Murder City Devils cd. It makes no difference if I rip the songs to my hard drive or download them from limewire, I paid for the cd I can do that. The person who could get in trouble is the person sharing them, if they didn't pay for them. But the odds of getting in trouble are slim to none.

    My advice is, since this is a moral issue for you, you already paid for the song so snag a copy of limewire and download it in a format you can actually use.


       ask them why

    they may have an answer

    read your contract

    you have the song you paid for

    i think you don't have a lawsuit


  4. Actually I think there is already a bending action on this issue.

  5. No because its a part of the users agreement. You cannot use itunes for any non apple products

    If you want to transfer your songs to another mp3 players copy your entire catalog over to windows media player. If you have windows all you have to do is drag it into the my music file. Plug in your mp3 device and select windows media player. Click sync and it will ask you what music you would like to add.

  6. You agreed to Apple's terms and conditions when you installed iTunes, which included a clause about the majority of songs gotten through iTunes being DRM locked and only accessable on iTunes or an iPod/iPhone.

    So no, you do not have a lawsuit.

  7. you can try but chances of winning are almost nil! Apple is a large company and they can hire good lawers i doubt you will win a dime and you will end up losing money and worse you might end up paying Apples lawyers fees and that would just suck lmao!

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