
Can I file for FAFSA on my own?

by Guest59619  |  earlier

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My dad is in the process of filing FAFSA for my education next year, as he has done last year as well. My question is this: Wouldn't it make more sense for ME to file it, using my employment information, because I am the one who is paying for everything?

It doesn't make sense to me why he would file it using his information. I pay for my education, so I think that filing my own FAFSA would only make sense?

My dad gets stressed out and doesn't give me information that I want, and its really frustrating to not understand what is going on with MY finances!

Have you ever done this before? Any suggestions on how I go about this? TIA




  1. You need to google the term "helicopter parents" and print the info out and give it to your Dad.  Yes, it makes more sense for you to do your OWN fafsa, but he may not want you to know how much money he earns.  

    I'm not sure how he can do your fafsa for you unless you are giving him your tax info... just don't give it to him and tell him you want to learn to do it yourself.  You do complete your own taxes don't you?  If not, then you need to learn how.  He would not have access to your tax info to even do the fafsa without you... and you would not have access to his taxes without him...  legally you are suppose to "sign" your fafsa with your pin number.  Have you ever done this?  

    If not, he's committing fraud... you need to get your pin number sent to you...(not him) so you can at least sign it yourself!!  You can call the dept of ed and ask how to change it so he HAS to consult you when filing fafsa.  Just walk softly, you NEED his cooperation to get his taxes... (and hopefully from now on... he will need you).

    With your pin number, you can view all the info on the fafsa.

    Tell him you are growing up and want to learn... ask him to teach you to do the fafsa and your taxes too.

  2. Either you or your parent(s) can fill it out but either way you need to use your parents' income information and your income information.

    You cannot file the FAFSA as an independent (where you wouldn't need to include your parents' info) unless you are at least 24 years old, are married, have dependents whom you provide more than half of their support, are a military vet or active duty military, or are going to school for a graduate degree (master's or doctorate).

  3. To file independently you have to meet certain requirements. You have to be a ward of the state, have a dependent child, be over the age of 24, be in the military or a veteran, or have both parents deceased. I currently file independent but I am only 21. I have a deceased parent and do not associated with the other one. My school basically made me explain my situation and provide proof, i.e. death certificate, letters from high school representatives, and bills with my name on them. So basically if you can't do these things then you will have to file as a dependent under your father for financial aide until you are 24 or have a child. I think it's rediculous because very few parents actually pay for their kids college anyways. Good luck though!

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