
Can I find lard at grocery stores in Germany?

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I'm looking for Armour Lard and I'm not sure exactly what to ask for...




  1. Armour lard as in some grease for weapons? You would not get that in a grocery store in Germany. But you will get it in "Jagdausrüster"-shops such as "Frankonia". Best if you look up the nearest "Jagdausrüster" in the yellow pages. I know "Frankonia" also has an online shop, so google that.

    Edit: Thanks to Alwin E. I figured I had forgotten some important detail to this answer... turned out it was what you originally asked for... The word you need. SORRY! But Alwin is right! "Waffenfett" it is! Happy hunting and: Weidmannsheil!

  2. Confirmation vote and "one up" for frackledJJ from a native German; nothing to add, except the German word would be "Waffenfett", that's literally "armour lard", and one of the few words where you can trust your dictionary.

    But I don't assume you really want to use it for armour, do you? There's something similar (on a petroleum basis, too) which is called "Melkfett" ("milking fat"). It's used for cows' udders, and humans use it for their own skin care and for leather products (bikers' gear etc) which have suffered under bad weather conditions. That one's available at drugstores and pharmacies. Looks like vaseline and smells a bit like, well, gasoline, unless they perfumed it.


    @elke, "Schmalz" is the edible kind of lard, either available as pig's lard ("Schweineschmalz") or geese lard ("Gänseschmalz") usually at the butcher's. There is something like "Griebenschmalz" (pig's lard with bread crumbs in it) in supermarkets and at the grocer's. But we were talking about the kind of "shmaltz" that's used for hardware (or -wear), not meant to eat. And that kind is called "Fett" in German. "Schmalz" is quite raw fat, too, but the word is reserved for the kind of (animal) fat you can eat. Vegetable fat is called "Öl" ("oil").

  3. lard - Schmalz, Schweineschmalz

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