i work for a retail sales organisation..
i have recently been suspended on full pay following an investigation at work. waiting for disciplinary hearing in 2 weeks...
Alleged gross misconduct - not following procedure to the T. various counts.
my main arguements to the points are -i had no "real" incentive to do this, as the little value gained had no bearing on any incentive payments. the main reason this had happened was lack of organisation/too much work load therefore not completing things within required time scales.
I know it does not look good and im likely to get some form of written warning at the very least.. however if i hand my notice in asap, and speak to my bosses, is this likely to have any bearing on the outcome ? also if i do leave with some form of warning, can i see what is exactly on my hr reference or find out exactly how much info they would give out ? so when i apply for new jobs, if i know they are going to find out something, at least i can explain the case to them before hand..
any help is much appreciated.. thanks