
Can I finish 24 Semester Hours in 1 Semester?

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How often do people complete 24 semester hours in 1 semester? What about 2 semesters?




  1. Most colleges put a cap on the number of hours a student can take in one semester.  Twelve hours is the lowest number of hours you can take and be considered a full-time student; most full-time students take 14 or 15 hours per semester, because you don't get classified into the next academic year until you've completed hours in increments of 30 (30 hours to be a sophomore, 60 hours to be a junior, 90 hours to be a senior, 120 or more hours to graduate).

    I have taken 21 hours in a semester ... once.  It requires a LOT of dedication and a whole lot of time management.  You can't let anything get behind or try to put off an assignment "for a few more days."

    I've attended 4-year universities in 3 states, and so far every school has set either 21 or 22 hours as the maximum for a single semester.  You have to be an exceptionally good student with an extreme necessity before schools will let you go above that limit.

  2. It depends on what you will be taking. It IS possible, but you will work your tail off. 20 hours is a heavy load. Classes are expensive.You may want to rethink it.

  3. 24 semester hours is equal to eight 3-credit classes, almost a full school year's worth. I've never heard of anyone doing that in a single semester!

    5 classes (15 hours) is generally considered a full course load for a semester, though some people do take 6 classes (18 hours). At most colleges, you need special permission to take more than 18 credits in a semester.  

  4. Two semesters shouldn't be that hard.  There's no way you could do 24 hours in a semester.

  5. You can do it in two... I would not try to do it in one. Most schools have a limit of how many hours you can do in a semester.

    I wouldn't wanta see the bill for books doing it all in one semester either.


  6. Well a full time college student takes at least 12 credit hours/semester.  So 24 in 2 semesters.  Your looking at about 8 classes in one semester to get 24 credit hours.  Thats a lot of work.

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