
Can I fish without a license on a private Indiana pond?

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  1. as in a private farm pond on privaite land stocked by the landowner you do not need a fishing license if you are fishing in your own private pond as long as it does not or is not fed by state waters but you have to follow all state game laws!

  2. Fishing

    To fish in public lakes, streams, rivers or tributaries in the state of Indiana or its boundary waters, you must have a valid fishing license. License holders must carry their license while fishing and present it to a conservation officer (or any authorized law enforcement official) upon request. There are fines and penalties for fishing without a license.

    You must also have a valid trout and salmon stamp in your possession to legally fish for or take trout and salmon from public waters.

    Should you lose your resident license, contact DNR Customer Service at (317) 233-4976.

    A fishing license may be revoked if the license holder is convicted of violating fish and game regulations. Any equipment, appliances and apparatus used in the violation of Indiana fish and game laws may be seized for evidence and, upon conviction, confiscated.

    These regulations only apply to fish that originate from, or are taken from, the public waters of Indiana. Fish from public waters that migrate into or from private waters are still covered by these regulations. These regulations do not apply to fish in private waters that did not originate from public waters.



    A fishing license and trout and salmon stamp are NOT required for:

    Residents born before April 1, 1943. However, you should carry your driver’s license or other identification to verify your age and residency.

    Resident and non-resident anglers under the age of 17.

    Residents who are legally blind.

    Residents of a state-owned mental rehabilitation facility.

    Residents of any licensed health care facility in Indiana taking part in a supervised fishing activity sponsored by the facility.

    Fishing a private pond does not require a license. However, the angler must have permission from the property owner to fish.

    Residents of Indiana who are engaged in full-time military service may fish without a license while on approved military leave. However, the angler must carry leave orders and a valid Indiana driver’s license or voter registration card. Non-resident military personnel stationed within Indiana must obtain a resident license to fish or hunt in Indiana.

    Landowners or lessees of farmland, who farm that land, their spouses and children living with them, while fishing in public waters from the farmland they own or lease.

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