
Can I fit in Hong Kong/?

by Guest59950  |  earlier

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I am a chinese and I am bilingual. I can read, write and converse in both English and Mandarin. However, I only know a bit of cantonese but I can only converse in Cantonese. I don't know how to read or write in Cantonese! Basically, I can be considered as an illiterate if i were to depend on my Cantonese but can I find a job with a high salary if I know English?

I was born in Hong Kong but migrated to another country when I was 2 years old. Due to this, I don't know much about chinese festivals and celebrations other than chinese new year.

On top of that, my relatives and I have different beliefs. They think I am too "americanised" which I don't think so. Sometimes, I feel left out whenever I'm with my relatives. They tell cantonese jokes which I don't understand!

I am just wondering whether I could fit in HK and I haven't have any cantonese friends.

by the way, does anyone feel you're been alienated?




  1. I had a similar situation as you.  My family left Hong Kong when I was six and I grew up in the US.  After college I traveled to work there for a year.  My co-workers were more curious about me than anything else because they said I was different (but in a good way).  They spoke a lot of slang that I was unfamiliar with so that left me out of many of conversations, but people in general were very accommodating.  I was never left out of company or social functions.  Knowing how to write would definitely be a plus, although I was illiterate, I made an attempt and I think that helped a little.  You shouldn't have any difficulty fitting in, they will tease you a little, but don't take it personally.  You should have a grand time, at least you know the food is so much better there.

  2. HK is famous as a multi-national city...... y r u worried then? mandarin & Eng is gd enuf to survive in HK. even thou u only knew Eng, u can stil lives here. many of my frds & colls r fr all over the world. they hv amercians, canadians, british....bla bla bla. even fr jaimaica.....  

  3. I don't think you need to worry about it. Lots of people in HK are speaking Mandarin and English now.

  4. You will fit into Hong Kong quite nicely.  English, Cantonese and Mandarin are widely spoken there.  You will be fine.

  5. Hong Kong is an extremely international place.  You won't have a problem.  I love Hong Kong!

  6. Don't worry, you will fit right in. People in Hong Kong can speak Mandarin also! Give it a shot!

  7. I don't think you will have too many problems. Writing in cantonese isn't as hard as you think. They do write formally which is exactly the same as mandarin. But if you were to write say for example, SMS messages to another person in cantonese then its a different story. They do have some special form for it which i can't even figure out. But i'm pretty sure if you have some youngster to teach you, it wouldn't be too hard to grasp.

    Yes, I'm sure you will find a job with a high salary considering the fact that you can speak english and mandarin. Those are the two languages that are a must know in hong kong, besides cantonese.

    Of course you're relatives think that you are americanized but just ignore it. you can't change who you are considering you grew up in america. If they tell a cantonese joke, you can ask them to explain it. I'm sure after staying in honkong for a while, you'll be able to understand the jokes and phrases.

    I watch the TVB dramas to keep myself up with the common phrases that the hongkongers usually use on the streets. Thats a way to keep yourself updated.  

  8. Many people will know Mandarin; official language of China. English is well spoken in HK. You fit in fine and even pick up some Cantonese. It's harder for a Mandarin speaker to learn Cantonese than a Cantonese speaker to learn Mandarin.

    For the festivals and beliefs, I don't know much about them. There are some calendars that marks the special holidays. Just remember to be respectful.

    I've feel I've been alienated many times. And it was not a comfortable feeling. lol

  9. Of course you can fit in Hong Kong. If you go to Central, you'll see many foreigners. Many people in Hong Kong can speak okay English. But I am sure a majority of the people can speak Mandarin.

  10. You won't have any trouble fitting in. I have friends who are born Americans but when they settled in Taiwan for just a few months, they could speak taiyu(hokkien) like a pro. So after living in Hong Kong for about a year, you shouldn't have anymore problems.

    Don't worry, many people living in Hong Kong now can speak English and Chinese too. And the people of Hong Kong do not really care whether or not you're too 'americanised'. Just learn the traditional cultures of China when you have the time. Good luck

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