
Can I get a Women's perspective?

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I know a woman who does not take a shower for about 3 or 4 days. Is this normal?




  1. No, that's disgusting.

  2. It doen't sound very normal , but maybe she has a wash instead!!

  3. Not with me or any other women that I know. I do know that there are many people, men and women with either lazy attitudes towards hygiene or just don't like to bath, ewww!

  4. No, that's not normal, maybe she has low self esteem and doesn't care about the way she looks, or maybe she was brought up only having a shower or bath every 3-4 days and doesn't know any different.

    Whatever the reason, it's not really normal. x

  5. It's not normal, no. Most people (male or female) shower daily, or at least every other day. This is probably more than is strictly necessary, but it's culturally embedded into us to wash daily...and really people who wash frequently smell much nicer.

  6. it depends.. if i have to go out somewhere, or if i have work everyday i will shower everyday.. however it has been known whilst ive been unemployed and at home i might go 2 days without a shower...when i was about 12 i would try and get away with 4 days without washing but not now..

  7. No, it's not abnormal, perhaps she is just a clean person.  

  8. no thats gross even if i dont do anything all day i still take a shower. everyday.

  9. everyone is different. what is normal for some, not normal for others. I usually shower every 1-2 days. if I am camping, I don't shower at all. I have some hippy type friends who don't shower much...

  10. This has nothing to do with women as a whole maybe you should ask her.The individual woman herself.And not apply everything one woman does to women as a whole.And most people in the collective world bath daily.Even in third world countries although that is obvious to me less so to some.

  11. what is normal? is it universal? who dictates what is normal?

    different cultures may have different definitions what is normal. it may also vary for the same culture in different periods... or same culture, same period but different ideological orientation.


    she came from one of the northern countries where it's too cold to shower (force of habit)

    she doesn't care what other people think (she has the right to control her own body. she has the the right to choose when she wants to shower )

    hmm... etc.

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