
Can I get a copy of an old 1098 Mortgage Interest form from the IRS?

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  1. you can get at least what was placed on the form. But whom ever prepared your taxes has a copy as well in their files

  2. Yes you can.  File Form 4506-T and ask for a transcript from whatever year.  It will list all of your W-2s, 1099s, 1098s, etc. issued against your social security number.  You can download the form from .

  3. You don't send the 1098 form in with your tax return.  You keep that for your own records (or your tax preparer keeps it).  You can get a copy of your tax forms from the IRS and see what amount you listed on Schedule A as your mortgage interest, but they will not have the 1098 form.

    Your mortgage lender may be able to furnish you with a duplicate, and certainly can if it was for the  2007 tax year.

  4. You can get up to six years of information documents by fax from IRS. If you paid taxes through your mortgage payment, that amount will not show up on the IRS transcript.

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