
Can I get a gadget that will allow me to run two phones off the same land line?

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Can I run two phones off one line so I can use both phones at same time Is there a gadget I can buy to accomplish this




  1. 8 years ago (ancient history) i had a second number run to the box and used the red and green lines to my computer(beforeDSL was available) and fax machine at home.

    I think phone lines still have 2 pairs or 4 wires and can split them at the box.

  2. sure you can run another jack, or put in a splitter into the jack that you have so that you can use 2 phones on the same line... but what I think that you really want to know, is can both phones operate independently of each other to make and take calls at the same time... well the answer is no... there is only one phone line... you would need to get a second line...

    you can have 2 or more phone numbers associated with the same phone line with distinctive ringing, so that if you share the phone with someone, or use the phone for voice and fax, the ringing pattern will be diffrent depending on what number the person calling you dialed...

  3. On a normal phone line only one conversation can be carried on at the same time.  With digital phone lines (e.g., ISDN or DSL) it is possible to carry on voice and data communications at the same time (and with ISDN, sometimes two conversations, but ISDN really uses two "lines.")

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