
Can I get a job? UK ONLY!?

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Hi. I am a 13 yr old male. I have no criminal record (ASBO's, etc.) and would like to get a part time job, just to get in a little bit of money instead of having to rely on my parents for cash. I live in Northern Ireland, UK and was wondering if I am allowed to get a decent job, such as a waiter, shop assistant, etc.

If you have any suggestions or help, that would be brilliant, especially if you also live in N.I. NO ANSWERS FROM OUTSIDE THE UK PLEASE!




  1. From the age of 14, you can legally get a lot of jobs - such as a waiter. You can only probably do paper-rounds, i'm 14, I do them. Seem very professional, and invest about 2 pounds into a badge dedicated to the companies you do, dress smart-casual, and a receipt book where you cant sort out your pay.

    I am 14, and I do paper rounds for several companies, and change my badge for several companies, because I do paper rounds for several companies.

    What I suggest is don't go for a snazzy job, as many businesses wont want you because it doesn't look professional for a youngster to be a waiter.

    I strongly suggest paper round, I get about 20 pounds and hour.

    There is no minimum wage for children, so you can negotiate your hourly wage to be 3.50 pounds. If you do about 4 jobs, you'll get 14 pounds in an hour - (more than what a lot of adults get).

    Also you need to get your employers to sign a document, which your school must agree to.

    Hope I helped.


    BTW, he said UK only, those two sites are American

  2. Well you can't get a proper job like waitering because you need to be 16 and have a national insurance number. You could do things like helping out in a small shop, maybe likea newsagents, or assistant in a hairdressers or something similar. Or, to be more flexible why don't you make some leaflets and post them arund your neighbourhood offering things like car washing, lawn mowing, babysitting, dog walking,running errands or looking after pets/plants etc when the owners are on holiday. I know this isn't a steady job but people will pay for chores like these to be done, plus your not tied down to a job and shifts. Target posher areas where people will be more willing to part with their money.

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