
Can I get a job at Walgreen's at the age of 14?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 and live in saint louis, Missouri and i have a walgreens up the street from my house. I dont care what the job would be like stock boy or w/e.




  1. No, try cutting grass, get a paper route, buy candy and resell it at a huge mark up. Iron clothes, clean homes, etc until you are 16.

    Good Luck

  2. the Walgreens here in KCKS, hires those that are 18 & older

  3. nope. u have to be at least 16 but if u look 16 lie about ur age lol....good luck finding a job. volunteer at a animal shelter r hospital...

  4. come mow my lawn.

    my dad will pay you.

    shirt's are prohibited.

  5. I'm a manager at Walgreens, and no, we're not allowed to hire anyone under the age of 16 regardles if you're 15.5 with a permit.. We can't. Sorry.

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