
Can I get a job teaching English - in China, without formal qualifications?

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Can I get a job teaching English - in China, without formal qualifications?




  1. you at least would need a tefl.

    Teaching English foreign language certificate.

  2. Not unles you go through a program provider like CIEE or  Otherwise you are begging to be exploited by the Chinese schools.

  3. If you want to work in a bona-fide school, then I am pretty sure that the basic TEFL qualification will be required.  However, there are many agencies that will possibly employ you as a tutor.  You do not state what qualifications, if any, you have.  I know someone who has no qualifications at all, but she successfully tutors in Hong Kong, and is paid very well too.  I suggest an internet search, and submit what you can offer to the numerous teaching agencies that you will no doubt find there. A few applications should inform you whether or not you would be considered.  Good luck.  

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