
Can I get a mortgage using tax credits and csa payments.?

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Can I get a mortgage using tax credits and csa payments.?




  1. Yes, IF the CSA payments are regular and not disputed .. and the Mortgage period does not exceed the 'life-time' of the CSA payments (this may mean you can only get eg. a 15 yr. or less mortgage)

    Even so, the vast majority of Mortgage companies will insist you have some-one else to act as a 'Guarantor' (i.e. someone who will sign to 'guarantee' to pay the Mortgage in the event you fail to do so) = this would typically be a relative (eg. your parents or siblings).

    NB> as with any Mortgage, the maximum you will be offered is a multiple of your annual income .. typically 4 times .. and the bigger the 'deposit' you have the more likely you are to get the mortgage ... again, a relative may help ...

  2. It will depend on the bank

    You should seek proper independent financial advise before doing this. If you rely soley on benefit income then you are unlikely to get a mortgage, if it is just part then some banks may lend to you on that basis.

    You need to be very careful and borrowing based on Tax Credits and CSA payments may be a bad idea as these payment are subject to changes of circumstances and may change leaving you with financial difficulties

  3. If you're applying for a mortgage, then yes, they will be factored in when determining how much you may borrow.

    But no, you cannot get a mortgage if this is your SOLE income - you obviously need to have income coming in from a job in addition to this.

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